The Apeks XTX40 octopus is a perfect match to any of the Apeks regulators and continue the high performance and cold water reliability that they are so well known for. The XTX40 Octopus uses a pneumatically balanced full metal valve that delivers a consistently smooth breathe. The valve is connected to an external heat exchanger that helps to dissipate the cold generated by the valve as gas decompresses into the second stage housing.
The XTX 40 Octopus has a large front purge button, a diver adjustable venturi lever and ergonomic anti-bacterial mouthpiece. The XTX housing has been designed to allow a certified Apeks technician to convert the octopus from the standard right hand to a left hand hose entry if required, giving additional hose routing and configuration possibilities.
The Octopus is finished with a high visibility yellow hose, front cover and housing trim for easy identification.
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